Step 1:Warming up and leading in 1. Enjoy a song 《I love my family》 2. Free talk Do you love your family? Do you love your mum? Do you know some holidays about mum? What do you do on Mother’s Day? What does Lingling do on Mather’s Day? 【设计意图】给学生一些妇女节和母亲节的提示,如日历、图片等,学生通过谈论家庭成员,初步了解、感知母亲节。 Step 2:Learning Dialogue 1 1.PPT呈现对话1,观察图片信息
T: Lingling loves her mother very much. It’s Mother’s Day. Where are Mom and Lingling? Ss: They are in the restaurant. T: What can you see in the picture? What’s on the table? Ss: A box, cake, cookies… T: What does Lingling do for her Mom? Let’s watch and listen carefully. 2.试听对话 (1)Can you tell me, what does Lingling do for her Mom? 初听对话一(无字幕) 学生进行猜测 T: The box of chocolate is a gift from Lingling to her mum. Is Lingling’s mother happy? T: She is very happy. What does mum want to do? (2)猜测Lingling一家的出行方式 How will they go there? On foot or by bus? 再次听对话,学生听出答案。 3.学生跟读对话,小组内进行练习 【设计意图】突破难点a box of chocolate、drive等词汇,操练长句、难句以及重点句型,帮助学生掌握、理解语言知识,为后续操练句型做铺垫。 Step 3:Create new situation 
1.车笛响,Lingling和父母开车去奶奶家 教师描述故事场景 Lingling make a call to her grandma. 2.Lingling和妈妈在车上讨论送给奶奶的礼物 L: Mum, is it for grandma? M: Yes, I will give my mum a big hug and flowers. How about you? L: I will kiss my grandma and give her a gift. Will grandma like my gift? M: Yes, she will. You are a good girl. L: Thank you, mum. Dad,will you cook dinner ? D: Yes, I will. 3.学生跟读对话 【设计意图】在充分利用课本资源的同时,合理补充语境。在创设情境中,学习、理解功能句型Will sb. do sth.? 将Listen,look, and learn部分的两个重点词汇kiss his Mum, give her mum a big hug贯穿于创编对话之中,让故事更具连贯性。 Step4:Learning dialogue 2 1.观察图二 